Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Launch Party is a Success!

The opportunity to see the new branding and identity materials was a trip Back to the Future for the Meador employees arriving at The Log Cabin for our WickedWayCool80s launch event on Thursday, the 6th.
With the room full of neon brights, employees dined on Wendy's burgers (Where's the Beef? Get it?) and Fresca and other staples of the 1980s...including Rita's now famous bread bowls and dips!
Unveiling the company's new expo booth banners, the new website and identity materials was the excuse for the party! Comments were made by Ben Meador, Jill Silman and Melinda Torrison. Mindy Miraflor, Ashley Wright and Michelle Martinez made a special presentation, as well.
Special thanks to Diana de los Reyes, Rita Townsend and Val Smith who worked very hard to make the event a success.
Several of those who had participated in the month-long WickedWayCool80s contest were rewarded at the end of the program: Ashlee Hamilton, Shirley Feeback, Janet Young, Trish Taylor, Angela Zirkle and Kristine Forrester.
While the DJ played favorites from the 1980s, a Championship Pictionary game raged in the back corner. It was a close and hard-fought victory, but the team of Kathy Cowart, Michelle Martinez, Ashlee Hamilton, Jill Silman and Melissa Ghoulson took the prize!

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